You can book an appointment online if you have joined your GP surgery’s online services. You can book and cancel appointments any time of the day. It’s easier and more convenient.
Non-urgent advice: Note
If you have already registered for the GP surgery online services then skip this step by clicking “Access Online” button and you will be able to access the online booking system.
Order Repeat Prescription
You can order your repeat prescriptions online using the GP surgery online services website. All prescriptions will be ready for collection at your nominated pharmacy within 3 working days.
Non-urgent advice: Note
If you have already registered for the GP surgery online services then skip this step by clicking “Access Online ” button and you will be able to access the online Repeat Prescription system.
If you don’t have access to GP surgery online services, click on the REGISTER button.
View Your Medical Record & Test Results
You can view parts of your GP record, including information about medication, allergies, vaccinations, previous illnesses, clinical correspondences and Test results if you have joined your GP surgery’s online services. You may need to request access to view your medical records and test results.
Non-urgent advice: Note
If you have already registered for the GP surgery online services then skip this step by clicking “Access Online” button and you will be able to access your medical record and test results.
If you don’t have access to GP surgery online services, click on the REGISTER button.