Jiggins Lane Medical Centre



Anyone aged 18 and over can now have their COVID-19 vaccination. To book an appointment please text 07415117347 or 07415117346. You must include your full name, Date of Birth, NHS number and postcode in the message. You receive a text back within 24 hours with a link to enable you to book. You can also text to book your 2nd dose appointment if it has been 8 weeks since your first dose.  

Even if you declined the vaccine when we contacted you, you can change your mind, so please let us know.

We are still working with our local colleagues to deliver the vaccines as they become available and they are still being done at Woodgate Valley Health Centre, 61 Stevens Avenue, Woodgate Valley, Birmingham, B32 3SD at present.

If you have an appointment for a vaccination, we ask that you arrive on time. Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your appointment time as this is likely to cause longer queues and an increased waiting time.

Please also make sure that you are wearing a mask. Do not attend if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 4 weeks.

For Pfizer vaccinations you must wait in the observation tent for 15 minutes after your vaccination irrespective of whether it is your 1st or 2nd dose. For the Astra Zeneca vaccination you will be asked not to drive for 15 minutes afterwards.

While waiting for the vaccine we remind everyone that it is more important than ever to follow the rules to protect each other as well as the NHS –

Hands – frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitiser when you cannot access soap and water.

Face – use a face covering in public whenever you can

Space – stay 2m apart

Testing – it is essential that you are tested when displaying symptoms (cough, fever 37.8+ or loss of taste/smell)

Isolate – If you or a close contact has tested positive, please obey the isolation rules to prevent spread of the virus’

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